Compensation plan refers to the structure the company has on ground to ensure you are rewarded both in cash and non-cash.

Once again, you do not need to worry about “how to get downlines”, i already dealt with the worry mercilessly. To watch the video where i explained how to crush downline worry CLICK HERE or read up the written form  of it,CLICK HERE.


  • Jamalife exchanges a dollar to #400. The highest in the industry
  • Jamalife has a very short matrix of 2by2 for stage 1(6 accounts) while 2by3 (14 accounts)from stage 2-8.
  • Jamalife has the most affordable registration fee in the industry,#2,000.
  • Jamalife doesn’t pay per stage or per level but per account that drops into your matrix. This the most unique quality of jamalife, this is the selling point.
  • jamalife also lavishes his active partners with foodstuffs and other incentives.
  • With a phenomenal team by your side to guide you through, success in the business might come faster than you planned.

In the explanation below, it is assumed that you started with one account. whatever earnings you see below should be multiplied by the number of accounts you have or registered on each stage.

STAGE 1. Here you are paid #200 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 6 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #200 X 6accounts = #1,200

STAGE 2. Here you are paid #600 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #600 X 14accounts = #8,400

STAGE 3. Here you are paid #4,000 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #4,000 X 14accounts = #56,000

STAGE 4. Here you are paid #22,000 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #22,000 X 14accounts = #308,000 plus food voucher worth #50,000

STAGE 5. Here you are paid #100,000 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #100,000X 14accounts = #1,400,000 plus food voucher worth #100,000 and a phone/laptop worth #400,000

STAGE 6. Here you are paid #320,000 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #320,000 X 14accounts = #4,480,000. plus food voucher worth #150,000, Medical Insurance and CAR worth #5,200,000.

STAGE 7. Here you are paid #1,600,ooo per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #1,600,000 X 14accounts = #22,400,000 plus Medical insurance, Food voucher worth #200,000, All expense trip to your choice country worth #4,000,000 and choice jeep.

STAGE 8. Here you are paid #8,000,000 per account that drops into your matrix. To complete this stage, a total number of 14 accounts has to be under your account.

TOTAL SUM EARNED. #8,000,000 X 14accounts = #112,000,000 plus Medical insurance, Housing fund of 120m and  also another choice jeep.

Once you are done with stage 8, you move to a stage called infinity. you keep earning $20 for life as any of your team members comes to meet you here.

So,imagine what happens to your bank balance if you start with multiple accounts. I did a post on the importance of multiple accounts, to read it CLICK HERE.

Making a million is actually faster and easier than you ever thought but you must concentrate on work first. There is no MAGIC. you just have to work online. i did a post on how to prospect online, titled 4-step formular, if you have not read it, CLICK HERE.

we have seminar centres scattered around the nation, contact the person that referred you here for the nearest seminar center.


final words….Don’t bother registering if you still have doubts in your heart, it means you are most likely not going to work, and how do you see results if you don’t work. This is a business for the hungry. Those who are crazy enough to go to any length tosucceed in the business. As the team leader, i am here to provide you with all the succor you might need. JUST START first.

I need to hear your testimony….how you were able to finish stage 4 in 3 weeks,how you were able to earn 1million in 1 week or any  other forms.

Don’t forget to refer someone to this blog too, share the goodnews, lets succeed together.

SEE you in the Next CAR award ceremony. Bye.

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